Friday, February 10, 2012

Twice Blessed & Thankful!

My cell phone rings and I don't recognize the number, but decide that I should probably answer it since it looks like a Los Gatos number and that's where my surgeons office is. Good thing I did. It was my doctor calling to give me my biopsy results from my colonoscopy I had had two days prior. He says, "The good news is that the smaller polyp was not cancer. The larger one was tested and the results were benign, however, definitely pre-cancerous. So you will need to return in one year for another colonoscopy. A thank you to your general practitioner is in order too. If this hadn't been detected, you wouldn't have had your normally scheduled colonoscopy until age 50 - which is three years from now and that polyp would have been cancerous by then".

I listened to the rest of what he had to say about contacting my siblings and my children to let them know that, lucky them, they will need to start having their colonoscopy's ten years prior to my "diagnosis", - at the ripe young age of 37! I am the youngest of my six siblings, so I let them all know that they need to schedule one now if they haven't already! My children were both very thankful that my results were benign and didn't hold it against me that they will have to endure the lovely "prep process" thirteen years prior to the norm. Love my kids!

This was the second phone call in less than three months where the doctor was calling me with good news - not cancer. It's hard to explain the stress and feelings and thoughts that ran through my head both times during the waiting process. "Will I be really sick"? "Will I see my kids get married"? "Will I live to see my grandchildren"? "Am I truly strong enough to fight this"? And on and on and on. My mind is really good at jumping forward in time to the worst case scenario. My faith is my rock. Seriously. I don't know how non believers deal with these types of situations. I do, truly, count my many blessings. These two phone calls are way high up on my list! My husband, my children, my family and my friends are on my list as well. I'm thankful and happy that I have many people in my life that bring me happiness, joy and love on a daily basis. I hope that I too give it right back to them!

I have to admit, I am not looking forward to the "prep process" again in a year, but if it means getting another good news phone call, then it's all worth it. And to my family and friends that have gotten the phone calls with bad news, I admire you for your strength and courage in fighting the battle against cancer. You are all warriors in my world!

For now, I am going to go enjoy some great music, amazing food and a nice glass of wine - all fantastic perks to being a Domestic Goddess - Cheers!